Monday, December 31, 2012


the dirty river runs through it, this abandoned place of trash and tears.

mud and sticks bring fleeting stability for a million lost souls trudging through monotony.

we pass by the charcoal mound. across the way plays a baby in a tin box

pulling up my skirt i gingerly step over the place where dirt and water meet excrement. 

we hear accented "how are yous" ringing through the air.

further along a child stands atop mounds of paper trash unaware he's made for so much more.

dismay fills the dirt encrusted faces of these children of God, yet they dutifully trudge ahead. 

young girls live in fear in this place they've known their whole lives, ready to sell their bodies for a piece of bread.

yet in the corner of this wasteland, a new day is dawning.

the light of the One who brings healing begins to shine and the empty places find wholeness.

for a million and one souls this light is the hope they knew deep down they were missing.

you see, i could turn a blind eye as i leave this place, 

but im ruined now for the life was living.

as He asks me, what will I do to keep that light shining?


Monday, August 6, 2012

Marilyn's Song

Purple branches creep up toward a crimson sky 
Reaching out for the maker in awe-struck wonder
"How did this come to be," she asks
Lying on a well-worn quilt from decades past

Gently, slowly, the papaya fragranced breeze
Brushes over her skin as she drifts into blissful rest.
"I made them"
The still, steady voice answers her.

Was it a dream? No.
Her eyes are open to the nesting of birds;
dwellers of the ancient banyan tree,
this royal keeper of the forest, standing sentinel as her shelter.

Inky black shadows dance around her,
threatening any spark of faith.
"You are not of this world"
The voice calls again.

"Who are you, oh masked one?"
She whispers in the twilight.
Silence echoes all around her;
Was she dreaming?

"I've been searching for something,
Something bigger than me,"
She cries out, to the branches above her.

The summer moon peeks through the branches.
Black and white piano keys gleaming down at her from above.
Was this what she searched for?
A familiar rhythm to dance to?

"Play my song, oh beloved, pen my story" 
The voice caresses her in loving tenderness,
"Put a voice to my music, 
the music I placed in your heart."

A heavenly melody sweetly lingers in the air.
Am I dreaming?
"No. I am here. 
Your protector, your shepherd, your prince of peace."

His arms engulf her completely.
The music crescendos. 
Her heart is full for the first time
And she knows she is finally free.

"The journey homeward has begun.
With a melody and a voice
The pen is in your hand now, beloved.
Will you share my song?"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Give me flight,
Soaring freely over mountain and plain
Beauty overtaking me,
The beauty of the eternal Father

Give me song,
Melodious memoirs of a Savior's passion
To stir the hearts of the lost and broken

Give me a canvas,
Brushstrokes of your truth
Moving gracefully through time and space
Resting where diety meets humanity in harmonious balance

Give me story
Too awesome for human comprehension
To spur forth your children to glorify your name

Give me the faith
To walk on water
Recklessly abandoned in your loving embrace

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Brilliant, Glorious Love

Before I breathed deeply the oxygen of Iowa air
I sat at the feet of my King
Waiting for the time I’d be sent on my commission.

Oh how beautiful
To sit at the foot of the cross
Basking in the undeserved love

Not long after I sang praises at His alabaster throne
I came naked into the world,
Unqualified to remember His face.

Giving me up into the muck of this place
He was confident in His plan
That one day I’d sit at His feet again.

Loving parents guided me through the uncharted waters
And He was all the while watching,
Waiting patiently for my heart.

Little by little my eyes opened wider,
Until one day
I saw his love, his grace, his forgiveness before me.

The lust, the lies, and deception
No longer consumed my very being.
Grace flowed down over me and I was redeemed.

Where can I hide from His Spirit?
No matter where I go, He is there
Loving me despite my abhorrent iniquities.

He gently calls my name
Enticing me to seek only His affection,
For nothing satisfies my longing like my Father’s love.

My human mind is incapable of comprehending the depth of His passion.
Oh! To die for the ones He loved…
Unconditional love is the definition

No matter how I fall or flee
He will pursue me
When I turn my back he is right behind me.

He whispers sweet nothings in my ear
Reminding me I am beautiful,
I am unique, chosen, set apart, and always sojourning my way home.

His outstretched arms wait for me in eager anticipation
For the day I return to see the face of the King,
My father who loved me all along.

I will fall into his embrace
And he will kiss my cheeks saying,
“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

He sent me for a reason
A princess from the Kingdom of Heaven,
To bring my brothers and sisters back to Him.

I know Him
He knows me
And when I get home it won’t be unfamiliar….

Yes, I once sat before Him in the palace
Long before I breathed my earthly breath
Basking in His

Monday, January 30, 2012

If I surrender all it means the end of me.
The person I've held onto for so long,
But you make all things new.
Kneeling at your feet
I feel the weight of insecrity melt away.

This overwhelming love radiates in front of me
The only response I know to give is tears
Because no one has ever loved me that way.
No one else ever will.

The sufficiency of your grace is mine for the taking
But it means becoming less.
What if the cost is too much?
Will you ask me to abandon my dreams?

The desires of my heart
I crave
To be your desires.
In the face of an uncertain future
I relinquish all plans I once possessed.

If I plan it means I'm not listening
"How can you not know where you're going?"
They may ask.
I'd say "It doesn't matter."
I want to be breathless when I get to each new scene
Knowing God had it scripted down for me.

I do have a dream
To change the world.
But its not my plan
It is not my story
Its His.
and I'm just the supporting cast.

Direct me God
Give me my cues
And in each scene I'll respond the way you've written
Because I love you.
Its the least I can do.

Monday, January 16, 2012

ophelia's song

delicate flower
the girl wishes she could be
scorned by the man she loves
will anyone advocate for her?

torn apart amongst a family fued
yet hope remains in her fragile heart.
searching for the love she once knew?

denmark's prince turns away unfamiliar
did not she know him once
two hearts together
now so far apart

helper she wants to be
but serpentine he beleives her
stretched in a million directions
wanting to stand set apart.

she longs for brotherly comfort
for her mother's loving embrace
nothing seems to heal the wound

ophelia is losing grip
she's falling apart
reaching out for something
she's unable to grasp

turn back the hands of time
it only brings more tears

careful before you slip young ophelia
fairy tears and fennel might be your demise

find a reason to go on
find a reason to be strong

denmark's prince cannot complete you
you are a ruby to the core
in faith you must endure

Sunday, January 8, 2012

walking with you
i ache for it
to feel you close to me
knowing you'll never leave

my best friend
my lover
you complete me

seeing your face
your smile mesmerizes me
i know this is love
all i want is to be here

my confidant
my companion
you complete me

feeling true joy
i hold your hand
my insecurities plague me
and yet you love me

i tried to fill the space
the hole that remained vacant
my heart felt lost
until you rescued me

the universe stopped in its tracks
i saw you for the first time
you became my home
my person
my safe space

no one compares
because your beauty transcends them all
the depths of my soul cry out
and i am satisfied

to read your words
to feel you next to me
to remember  your promise
to understand your peace
to know you love me

its a slow steady progression
i am intrigued
i like you
i love you
i am in love with you
i am nothing without you

Jesus...i am nothing without you